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L-Shaped Kitchen

The L-Shaped Kitchen design is the most popular kitchen plan out there and also it is the most classic layout. It is an exceptionally adaptable plan that can be adjusted to numerous sizes and styles of kitchens. PLUS, it is one of the most ergonomically perfect kitchen plans regarding pragmatic and effective work process. By contrast, an L-shaped kitchen layout can fit consummately into a 10 x 10-foot kitchen, which is as yet thought about the benchmark for assessing the expenses of cabinets and countertops.

Indeed it is anything but difficult to make an ideal triangle with this setup, inside which an individual can move effectively and consistently include everything inside simple reach.

An L-shaped kitchen additionally gives great working flexibility. Cooks love this fundamental format, as it diminishes the strolling time between kitchen stations. It is very simple to make an ergonomically productive kitchen triangle, with the fridge, sink, and hob organized in the typical three-point shape.